Branch Homes help us pursue the vision “to see communities rooted in Christ that glorify God and bless the world!”
What is a Branch Home?
We believe engaging in authentic community through a Branch Home is important for growing in our faith, whether you are newly seeking God or you've been on the journey for a while. A Branch Home is a group of 30-40 people (including kids) who meet together weekly. In our Branch Homes we study the scripture from Sunday’s message and learn to apply it to our daily lives.
Branch Homes meet at different times and days of the week. You can choose the location and time that works best for you. People of all ages are included with separate breakout areas for men, women, and kids. Adults in the Branch Home take turns volunteering as leaders for the Kids group. Kids learn that they are a valued part of the community and adults learn how fun it is to see their child-like faith in action!
Want to be notified when more Branch Home options are available?
Leaders: Chris & Lexi Bixler
Meeting date: Sundays from 5:15-6:45PM
Host Home: Minnewashta Church
Leaders: Josh & Kristen Miller
Meeting date: Sundays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Mike & Jocelyn Graham
Leaders: Ryan & Kelly Walker
Meeting date: Tuesdays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Kim & Brian Schoonover
Leaders: JD & Bella Grainger
Meeting date: Tuesdays from 6-7:30
Host Home: Brady & Kristine Forseth
Leaders: Mike & Kelly Karpe
Meeting date: Tuesdays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Michael & Shannon Lawrence
Leaders: Drew & Kelly Neubauer
Meeting date: Wednesdays from 5:30-7PM
Host Home: Mitch & Briana Gassen
Leaders: Brian & Nicki Johnson
Meeting date: Thursdays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Don & Cherry Dewey
Leaders: Scott & Lisa Nebel
Meeting date: Thursdays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Joan & Reed Nelson
Leaders: Maddie & Andrew McGill
Meeting date: Thursdays from 6-7:30PM
Host Home: Matt & Hannah Swanson
Are you interested in hosting a Branch Home at your house? Please fill out this short survey and we will be in touch with you soon!
Branch Home Leaders
We are so grateful for our amazing Branch Home Leaders, Small Group leaders, and Host Homes. Thank you for the work you put into our Branch Homes every single week! Log in to your Leader Page below to access discussion guides, kids lessons, and more.